Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Wrong Project

Tempa Productions

  Genres: Horror
 Sub Genre: Slasher
 Length: 40 seconds
 Format: Teaser Trailer

 Synopsis: we have concept for a original horror trailer. It follows a group of teenagers who are given a project to work on  by their media teacher. The project involves them filming a horror trailer of their own, but through out the filming process members of the project begin to disappear  until only one person remains. Each crew member is kidnapped in a unique way which is revealed through the trailer. 

Intended Audience: The teaser trailer is aimed at a teenage audience. It will appeal to them as they would be able to relate to the young actors playing the roles. Slasher horrors usually appeal to teenagers more then others , for example the scream series of films has a large teenage audience because it contains an element of realism.

What do we intend to do? We intend on creating a teaser trailer that will appeal to a teenage audience, the teaser trailer will be short and to the point and create atmosphere of suspense and fear.

How will we do it ? In order to create suspense and fear, we have agreed on making all shots very short and precise, this alongside snappy transitions and cuts accompanied by fast tempo background music will leave the audience excited to see what happens next. To keep suspense levels high we have decided not to reveal the features of the villain until the end of the teaser trailer and all acts of killing with the trailer are implied , so the audience never actually gets to see the violence occur.

Why is it worth doing? It will be worth doing because it is a unique concept which the target audience can relate to, also the shots used are very unique and wont be seen elsewhere.We have also done research into special effects and make up to ensure when the villain is actually revealed he looks as scary as possible to scare the audience.

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