Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Part 1 Audience research - Tyler Mason

First ten questions asked to respondent aged 15 about his views on horror from the research we hope to get an insight into what people like to see when watching horror films and what triggers fear into them.The data I have collected has come from conversations on social networking sites such as facebook, phone calls and Blackberry messenger.

1. Tell us about yourself, how old are you and what do you enjoy doing during your free time? 
I am 15 in my free time i just play my ps3 and chill with my mates.
2. What are your fears and phobias and why? 
not scared of nothing really.
3. What do you think about horror movies? Do they scare you or is it too predictable? 
they dont really scare me there to predictable.
4. Is the storyline important or just the moments that would make you jump? 
story line is essential but I dont think I would jump.
5. Are you in favour of horror movies being realistic or not? 
if there not realistic its not going to be that scary.
6. What do you expect to see in a horror movie? 
Blood killings and thats it really
7. What is your favourite horror movie? 
the saw films8. What did you like about it and your favourite scene? 
Its realistic, when the women is thrown into the needles.
9. What is your least favorite horror movie and why? 
jeepers creepers because it is not realistic at all. 
10. Who in your opinion is the most influential horror director of all time? 
Im not sure who directs what film.

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