As it is my job to create the magazine with in my group i have decided to analye various horror magazine front covers.The first one i observed was this edition of Fangoria. The page is dominated by one image. The image if of the main villan of which the magazine has featured "friday the 13th".The image takes up more then half of the cover emphazing the fact that this edition of the magazine is dedicated to this film.
After observing magazine front covers i have realized it is a convention to put the antagonist or monster on the front of the magazine rather then the hero this may be due to the genre being horror and viewers of the film would rather see how fearful the antagonist looks in order to influence them to watch the film.
The barcode is located in the bottom left of the cover so it does not get in the way of any of the images or affect the colour scheme.How ever i have noticed this is not the case for all magazines,some magazine have decided to place it on the right of the page, so i guess placement of the barcode depends on the lay out of your magazine cover.
The magazine has also placed its subheading in the left of the page, similar to the placement of the barcode the subheadings do not interfer with the main image and has been section of by a border to show that it is seperate from the film friday the 13th. The sub headings vary in size suggesting that one heading may be more important then another or just to make it look more appealing to the the customer who will purchase the magazine.
There is a clear colour scheme of red and yellow being shown.The darkness of the red contrasts with the birghtness of the yellow and creates a neutral effect, colours used in the horror magazine genre tend to be dark and dull to give it that element of fear.
There are two other images on the page which are relatively small compared to the main image and are being used to support the subheadings.Both images have a embossed border around them again seperating them from each other and showing that the two images dont relate to each other.
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